Stamford Gateway

Stamford Gateway is a nine-hectare site to the west of Stamford, adjacent to the A1. It has planning permission for an industrial-led development, but despite marketing it over the last decade we have been unable to secure occupier(s).

Stamford Gateway is a nine-hectare site to the west of Stamford, adjacent to the A1. It has planning permission for an industrial-led development, but despite marketing it over the last decade we have been unable to secure occupier(s).

CEG is now proposing to deliver between 250 and 300-homes alongside new green spaces and landscaped areas, including an acoustic buffer to the A1. The development also proposes a local centre delivered adjacent to Empingham Road, which would include local shops and services and potentially a new doctor’s surgery.

The development would also make provision for sustainable transport improvements, as well as any financial contributions deemed necessary in relation to health and education provision. 

As we are preparing a planning application, we would welcome your feedback on the proposals and the types of facilities you feel are needed to the west of Stamford as part of the new local centre. 

A public consultation event is taking place at the Stamford Arts Centre between 3.30pm and 7.30pm on Monday 20th May 2024. The exhibition boards for this event can also be viewed at this link

These exhibition boards provide information about the proposals for a nine-hectare site that is located to the west of Stamford, adjacent to the A1.

The land currently has planning permission for an employment-led development (predominantly industrial, storage and distribution uses). CEG’s commercial agents have marketed this for over a decade, through A-boards, a press and online advertising campaign, brochure and direct approaches to the commercial market, but have not secured interest from end occupiers.

CEG is therefore preparing a planning application that instead reflects local needs. This will
comprise; 250–300 homes, a care home, and a Local Centre which will provide shops, services and space for a new doctor’s surgery and nursery. These will be complemented by public open spaces and landscaped areas.

This scheme responds to the region’s existing over-supply of large-scale employment uses such as warehouses and distribution parks. It seeks to make better use of land that has already been considered appropriate for development and benefits from outline planning permission. This proposal will deliver homes, community facilities/jobs and will result in less traffic than the approved employment scheme.

South Kesteven is currently reviewing its Local Plan. This emerging plan allocates this land for residential development.

The emerging plan seeks to direct development towards the District’s most sustainable locations, such as Stamford.

As part of the evidence base for the emerging plan, South Kesteven’s Local Housing Need has been calculated and outlines the need to build 701 new homes each year, based on household formation projections and the current affordability of local housing.

This site, which is identified for future development, can provide a suitable and sustainable location to help meet local housing needs. It will also provide a range of new infrastructure and contribute towards education, health and transport improvements as required to accommodate the proposals.

Your responses will help inform the planning application. CEG would welcome your feedback on the proposals and the types of facilities you feel are needed to the west of Stamford as part of the new Local Centre.

Please download the comment form at this link


Post: Victoria Walker, CEG, Sloane Square House, 1 Holbein Place, London, SW1W 8NS.