The Local Centre will include the following to meet day-to-day needs of the new and existing residents, and reduce the need to travel:
• A children’s day nursery
• A doctor’s surgery subject to approval from the ICB
• A food store
• Local shops
• Food and drink outlets
The site is capable of accommodating between 250 and 300 new homes. CEG is proposing a full mix for whole life living, offering a range of densities and tenures, including homes for first time buyers, growing families and retirement properties. This will also include affordable homes and the delivery of a care home of circa 70-beds which will help to meet identified shortfalls in social care provision.
The employment generating uses (nursery, care home, doctor’s surgery, food store, shops, food and drink provision) are forecasted to generate 155 new jobs in the area and 78 indirect jobs.
Indirect jobs would be created as a result of the annual spend from new residents living within the new homes (circa £4million per year) as they invest in the local housing market, shops and services.
We are keen to provide a doctor’s surgery and we are actively engaging with the health authorities regarding its inclusion. The nature and size of the facility would be a decision for the local Integrated Care Board (ICB), and it would form part of the S106 legal agreement for a permission. Ultimately the ICB will determine whether it prefers a new health facility on the site or financial contributions towards expanding existing health provision in the local area. Should the latter be preferred, this space would be used for an alternative community facility.
As well as safe places to walk, cycle and play, a community plaza / gathering space close to the school is proposed as well as a trim trail around the site that could accommodate outdoor gym equipment. Together these are known to improve wellbeing and mental health.